What to expect for your first treatment:
Acupuncture treatments are scheduled for 60 minutes-75 minutes based on what your body needs. The acupuncturist will walk you through the diagnosis process. This includes taking the pulse at each wrist, observing the patient’s tongue and bodily appearance, asking a variety of questions, and palpating related areas of the body. Then the acupuncture needles are placed on the patient as they are laying down, using special clean needling techniques. The needles do not hurt. Sometimes you may feel a pinch when the needle punctures the skin, then you will no longer feel it. The patient relaxes for an average of twenty minutes. At the end of the treatment, the needles are gently removed and properly disposed of. If the patient agrees to herbal therapy, a prescription is made for the patient. If the patient is interested in injection therapy (Colorado only), the treatment is usually applied at this time, and takes about 5-10 minutes.
See the "Services" page above for detailed information of available treatments.
All treatments are based on the time booked. See following rates based by location:
Florence and Western Lane County- $150 per hour
Reedsport/Winchester Bay, Yachats/Waldport- $160 per hour
Eugene, Coos Bay, Newport- $175 per hour
Many insurance companies offer acupuncture as a covered benefit. We do not bill insurance but can provide a receipt for possible reimbursement. The following codes and amounts may be charged when billing insurance, charges vary case by case:
97810: $100 (Florence)/$105 (Reedsport, Yachats)/$110 (Eugene, Newport, Coos Bay)
97811: $50 (Florence)/$55 (Reedsport, Yachats)/$65 (Eugene, Newport, Coos Bay) 97813: $100 (Florence)/$105 (Reedsport, Yachats)/$110 (Eugene, Newport, Coos Bay) 97814: $50 (Florence)/$55 (Reedsport, Yachats)/$65 (Eugene, Newport, Coos Bay) 97026: $25 97124: $25 20552: $20 (only in Colorado) 20553: $10 (only in Colorado) |
Acupuncture with one or more needles without electrical stimulation initial 15 minutes.
Each additional 15 minutes of treatment. Acupuncture with one or more needles with electrical stimulation initial 15 minutes. Each additional 15 minutes of treatment with electrical stimulation. Infrared heat therapy. Therapeutic procedure (Tuina, Gua Sha, or Cupping) Injection (1 or 2 muscles) Injections (3 muscles) |
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