Health is Wealth Tip, February 17, 2013, Year of the Snake:
Many people are suffering with allergies, common cold, and the flu right now. One symptom that is very common this season is coughing. Here is a wonderful home-made recipe for you to try to soothe your cough: 2 tsp shredded organic lemon peel 1 tsp if chopped fresh sage leaf or dried sage 1/2 tsp fresh thyme leaf or dried thyme 1/2 organic lemon juice, fresh squeezed Local organic honey to taste Add the herbs and lemon peel in a cup and pour in boiling water. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid into another cup, then add lemon juice and honey. Stir and enjoy! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac.
Health is Wealth Tip, February 15, 2013, Year of the Snake:
Do you want to know a way toward happiness? Get rid of your toxic friends. One study showed that energy positive friends increase your happiness quotient by 7%. Negative people and people who have a negative influence in your life decrease your happiness quotient by 9%. We are just about to start spring cleaning. Maybe it's time to throw out those Negative Nancys! Have a happy day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 14, 2013, Year of the Snake:
Today is the day of love, also known as Valentine's day. We have all experienced love. That sparked a thought, "What is love, bio-chemically speaking?" Love is related to the hormones and neurotransmitters of our body. Some clinical psychologists suggest there are 3 stages of love that your body experiences. The first stage is "Lust". Boy do we all know that one, it gets us in trouble sometimes:-) Lust is fueled by hormones of testosterone and estrogen in both males and females. The second stage is "Attraction". That is a common stage, we see it when people are in relationships. Attraction is fueled by adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. You feel adrenaline when you see or touch your lover and your heart races and your mouth is dry. Dopamine is your pleasure neurotransmitter, and the effects are increased energy, less hunger, less need for sleep, and focused attention. Serotonin is your "feel good" and "happy" neurotransmitter. The third stage is "Attachment". We see this in long term relationships and marriages, when couples bond and become life partners. This is my favorite stage! Attachment is fueled by oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone. This hormone is released while having an orgasm, and deepens the feelings of attachment couples have right after sex. One theory states that the more sex a couple has, the deeper the bond goes. Another way oxytocin supports bonding is in mothers and their babies. This hormone is secreted during child birth. When a mother sees her baby, or hears her baby cry, the breast automatically releases milk. “Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.” ― Dalai Lama XIV Have a loving day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 13, 2013, Year of the Snake:
I love hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts. They are the easiest healthy food to add to my diet. Just today I sprinkled some ontop of my eggs in the morning, salad later on, and peas and corn side dish for dinner. I even sprinkled them ontop of my strawberry ice cream! They have a light nutty flavor with a fatty texture. Other great meal ideas to add hemp seeds to are breakfast cereals, smoothies, yogurt, tacos, chicken and fish, or just about anything. There are many nutrients in hemp seeds. They are a rich source of protein, which can sustain your satiety between meals. They are even a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids. The fatty taste of the seeds comes from the omega fatty acids of 3-6-9, with a well balanced proportion of omega 3 and 6. other nutrients include magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. The seeds are digestible right out of the bag, and a wonderful way to supplement the diets of all ages. So why not pick up a bag of hemp seeds the next time you visit your natural foods store. You will have fun with your creativity of incorporating these into your diet! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 12, 2013, Year of the Snake:
My great-grandmother was recently diagnosed with dementia. That really started to make me think about the diagnosis, and that you really don't know if you are developing this disease until it is too late. You must prevent the disease before it is too late. The best thing you can do to prevent dementia is to do brain teasers. They are often quite fun to accomplish! I love to play all types of mind games, such as logic and sudoku. They are very easy to incorporate into your daily regimen. I love the pocket sized books, very easy to carry in my purse so I can pull out a puzzle when I'm in a waiting room at an office. There are many websites available for all types of brain teasers, and even programs that will give certain games just for you and will adapt to your learning like a boot camp for your brain so you can make yourself smarter! Have a smarter day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 8, 2013, Year of the Snake:
If you want to have a healthy digestive system, stimulate your metabolism, and increase longevity, you should eat more warm and cooked foods versus raw and cold foods. In Chinese medicine, the Spleen is in charge of your digestion and metabolism. The Spleen is also in charge of transforming your food to usable energy, and sending the waste downward to the intestines. Since this is how we get our nutrients after birth, the Spleen is a major role in enhancing longevity. The Spleen is also the source of your immune system. It is mother of the Lungs, in Chinese energetic relations. The Spleen loves warmth, and hates cold. Warm and cooked foods support the Spleen's natural function, such as steamed, baked, boiled, and lightly frying. Hot tea and soup are also great choices. Drink room temperature water instead of adding ice. Eat less raw and cold foods such as salad, sushi, iced drinks. You will notice great energy, wonderful digestion, and you will not feel sick! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 7, 2013, Year of the Snake:
We are all familiar with the word metabolism, regardless if you love it or hate it! Many of us are plagued with a "slow metabolism". Others faster. How can you tell? Here is a secret I use in clinic every day. Did you know that you are supposed to have 2-3 bowel movements every day? Most people have just one daily, or every other day. Now, we eat three times a day, and if you are not eliminating 2-3 times, you have to think about where that extra food is in your body, and why is it not being processed. What can you do about it? I like drinking herbal teas to stimulate the metabolism. Some common ingredients include green tea and orange peel. Other great choices include acupuncture and Chinese herbs! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 6, 2013, Year of the Snake:
There is a Chinese tradition of soaking your feet is a basin of warm water before bedtime. One common cause of insomnia is too much energy floating in the head and is not sinking down to allow the mind to sleep. Stressful lifestyles are the main cause, such as people who cannot sleep because their mind is racing with thoughts. The bottom of your feet are the strongest areas in your body to pull the energy downwards from the head. Increasing circulation in the feet, such as soaking them in warm water for 20 minutes, will stimulate your acupuncture points to pull the energy downward away from the head so your mind can sleep. This is also very relaxing, and you can add some lavender essential oil drops or epsom salts to enhance the experience! Have peaceful dreams tonight! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 5, 2013, Year of the Snake:
Here is a great tip I learned a few years ago in school. If you have a choice between white and yellow cheese, pick the white cheese because it is less inflammatory than yellow cheese. This makes sense in Chinese medicine. Yellow color of the tongue coating reflects a heat type of condition in the body. This translates to inflammation in the body. White color is more cold, and will not cause any heat or inflammation. So, when you have your breakfast taco tomorrow morning, ask for monterrey cheese instead of cheddar! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. Health is Wealth Tip, February 4, 2013, Year of the Snake:
As an acupuncturist, I treat a lot of patients for weight loss. One of the first things I ask my patients to do is take Vitamin B6. Your Liver is in charge of metabolizing fats. Not only dietary fat, but all types of fat, including hormones. Vitamin B6 is essential to break down larger lipid molecules into smaller fatty acids, which can then be excteted or used for other bodily functions. B6 is a cheap supplement, usually around $5. It is water soluble, meaning that your body will use what it needs, then excrete the rest through the urine. It does not build up in the body. Although everyone may need different doses under the guidance of their practitioner, I usually reccomend my patients to take 100mg with each meal, so three times daily. Make sure to source it naturally and stay away from a synthetic version. I lost over 10 lbs. in 3 months with the only change in my day was adding Vitamin B6. Watch out Dr. Oz, I have a real supplement for you, which has years more research than green coffee bean or raspberry ketones! Have a peaceful day! -Rachelle Lambert, L.Ac. |
Rachelle Lambert
MAOM, Dip. OM, TX L.Ac. No. 1162 Archives
February 2016
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