Science and Politics support Acupuncture's ability
to help you lose weight.
Acupuncture helps you to lose weight by stimulating your metabolism, controlling your appetite, reducing hunger and sugar cravings, improving your digestion, and reducing stress. Increasing blood and lymph circulation to the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks helps to reduce the amount of fat stored in those regions.
Dr. Oz endorses acupuncture's ability to help with weight loss. The “rationale for using acupuncture for weight control is based in the premise that weight gain could be the result of disturbed flow to and from the regulating center of the brain, called the hypothalamus”. The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining “homeostasis” or functional balance and is considered the “dispatch system” for the entire body such for hunger, thirst, temperature, and circadian rhythms.
Acupuncture causes a cascading release of chemicals from the brain that includes hormones. Acupuncture has the ability to influence obesity hormones such as ghrelin and leptin which specifically regulate metabolism and fat storage.
“The guiding principal is that acupuncture can power up any other weight control strategy by curbing appetite, quelling cravings, boosting metabolism, improving digestion, regulating obesity- related hormones and enhance in the way nutrients are used. It also strengthens the function of the liver, the organ that produces many chemicals critical of digestion, processing nutrients and breaking down of fats.”
“Acupuncture may also increase tone in the smooth muscle of the stomach to help people know that they are full”.
During your acupuncture treatment to lose weight, acupuncture needles are applied to points on the body and the ear. At the end of the treatment small beads will be applied to the ear, also known as auricular therapy. The small beads are held in place by surgical tape, and they will stay in the ear for 4 days. These beads will continue your treatment by emitting pressure to selected points on the ear.
The following chart is from a study analyzing the effects of auricular therapy for weight loss:
Dr. Oz endorses acupuncture's ability to help with weight loss. The “rationale for using acupuncture for weight control is based in the premise that weight gain could be the result of disturbed flow to and from the regulating center of the brain, called the hypothalamus”. The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining “homeostasis” or functional balance and is considered the “dispatch system” for the entire body such for hunger, thirst, temperature, and circadian rhythms.
Acupuncture causes a cascading release of chemicals from the brain that includes hormones. Acupuncture has the ability to influence obesity hormones such as ghrelin and leptin which specifically regulate metabolism and fat storage.
“The guiding principal is that acupuncture can power up any other weight control strategy by curbing appetite, quelling cravings, boosting metabolism, improving digestion, regulating obesity- related hormones and enhance in the way nutrients are used. It also strengthens the function of the liver, the organ that produces many chemicals critical of digestion, processing nutrients and breaking down of fats.”
“Acupuncture may also increase tone in the smooth muscle of the stomach to help people know that they are full”.
During your acupuncture treatment to lose weight, acupuncture needles are applied to points on the body and the ear. At the end of the treatment small beads will be applied to the ear, also known as auricular therapy. The small beads are held in place by surgical tape, and they will stay in the ear for 4 days. These beads will continue your treatment by emitting pressure to selected points on the ear.
The following chart is from a study analyzing the effects of auricular therapy for weight loss:
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